The iPad mini has been released
in the market and you might also have come across few rumors spreading that it will
not last within the market. Late Steve Jobs chief operating officer of Apple
said that a smaller version of iPad may never attract the market, because the
users always wish that tablets needs to have larger screens. However the
company has ignored all the rumors and have still launched the iPad mini.
There was one major reason why
Steve Jobs was brought back to the corporate, because the company was losing
its position within the market and also the company boosted suddenly to the
highest position once he joined back. After all, he had created such an impact
that each gadget they make had its own market, and were on prime in their
classes. Currently that he's gone, all we could do is hope it's not a beginning
for the autumn of the corporate bit by bit.
The Apple device has the
iOS V6 in it with each new feature associated with Safari and Siri. On the
other hand, the well-known, ruler of the market Kindle Fire (both generations),
has the custom Android V2.3 (Gingerbread) and advanced versions of OS.
The size of
iPad LCD is 7.85 for the IPS 1024 X 768 pixels constituent screen for the mini
version, whereas for Kindle, the dimensions is 7 inches for display with screen
show of 1024 X 600 pixels including Amoled technology with anti-glare effects.
The process in iPad mini is
1GHZ Dual Core A5 whereas in Kindle Cortex A9 including 1 GHz processors.
iPad mini consists of 512mb
RAM whereas Kindle has 1GB RAM.
Kindle storage capacity is
8GB which is very less as compared to iPad mini which comes in various sizes
like 16 GB, 32 and 64GB.
Kindle comes in with Google
application store whereas iPad does not have Google support
Price of Kindle Fire HD 8.9
(16GB) comes at price of $299 whereas $329 would get you 16GB iPad mini.
Author Bio
Matthew Anton is a professional online marketer offering search engine
optimization services through BackLinksVault
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