One thing we know for sure about the forthcoming iPad 3 is the 3.
Scratch that - it could be the 2S. Everything is up for speculation in
advance of Apple's planned March 7 announcement of its newest paddy tablet. MacRumors
reported that British bookie joint SkyBet was taking action on what the
specs might be. "Will the iPad 3 launch with a Samsung-made AMOLED
screen? Yes: 8/1 No: 1/25." "Sadly, this isn't a joke," said 9 to 5 Mac. Then the sadness ended, with a SkyBet statement: "We
suspended betting last night after an immediate run of money on many of
the markets...we took a flood of money including a string of very
chunky, three-figure bets. If the money is correct, then the new
hardware will definitely not have a new carbon fibre casing, will not be
called the iPad 2S and will have 128GB of storage!" TechCrunch rounds up and evaluates all the rumors (superfast LTE communications? an iPad Mini?). All Things D offers a comic parody with believe-it-or-not factoids. Gamezebo throws in another twist: "The thing I'm most curious about? Whether or not Apple will surprise us with an iPhone 5 announcement as well. " The actual announcement is in just a few days, so hang in there.
Microsoft released a "Consumer Preview" version of Windows 8 this week. According to the official Window Steam blog - no, wait, The Official Widows Team blog - "the whole experience of Windows has been reimagined." Oh, great, we just love to relearn how to use our PC every couple of years. "Windows 8 is a merging of old with new," says TechCrunch.
"A Metro UI offers up live tiles much like Windows Phone, but there are
still some apps that require the old-school XP interface, sending you directly into the past when you least expect it." Sort of like in Quantum Leap! Engadget
concurs that the merger of the old desktop with the modern
tablet/phone-style interface is awkward, reminiscent of the days when
DOS and Windows shared a ride: "in many ways it feels like 1985 all over again - like there are two separate systems here struggling to co-exist." The Verge
says: "a lot of people seem to be upset that Microsoft completely got
rid of the start menu/button....I don't think its worth getting yourself
into a rage over. If you're a power user who absolutely CANNOT change
your usage patterns, then no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to upgrade your machine." Well, not yet.
Google enacted its new "master privacy policy" this week, an
Orwellian-named scheme that Federal Trade Commission Chairman Jon
Leibowitz said offers "a brutal choice" for consumers. "Not exactly a ringing endorsement of these new privacy settings that Google contends are in everyone's best interests," John Paczkowski observes at All Things D. CNET explains: "Google announced
last month that it was rewriting its privacy policy in a way that would
grant it explicit rights to 'combine personal information' across
multiple products and services. In our ever-connected world, this will
either be received as great news or another stepping stone on the road to Big Brother's house."
(Yes, we're talking to you, Eric Miller of Shaker Heights, Ohio - and
thanks for reading this!) Lots of prepare-and-protect advisories are out
there now. Mashable offers a two-step plan to "take control" of your Google life. Information Week raises that to six steps, including "click over to an alternative like Bing or Yahoo. Or try Duck Duck Go, a search engine that insists it doesn't track users." The Onion tops them all, reporting: "Google Opt-Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving to Remote Village."
Last and certainly least: the Angelina Jolie leg thing. It's hard to
believe that in 2012 anyone gives a hoot when an actress shows some leg,
but the time-wasting idiocy is the lifeblood on the Web, so here we go.
Explains Neatorama:
"Going into the weekend, many tried to guess what the big [Oscars] story
would be. Sasha Baron Cohen's costume? The best and worst gowns? No,
they were all upstaged. Angelina Jolie's right leg was the star of Oscar night. It so overwhelmed everything else that Jim Rash was inspired to strike the same pose when he accepted his Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar for co-writing The Descendants." Striking the pose is now called Jolie-ing (a la Tebow-ing). By contrast, "legbombing" is the aftermarket practice of just legging up existing photos. Says Buzzfeed
atop its gallery: "Angelina Jolie's leg was the only exciting thing
that happened at the Oscars. Use our photo editor tool at the bottom of
the page to put it in every photo." Mental Floss,
which may have begun as a publication for smart people, presents a
gallery of leg-enhanced pictures, saying: "It's official! Angelina
Jolie's leg has itself a meme complete with more than 30,000 followers, @AngiesRightLeg, and a place for fans to get in on the fun with their own user-submitted pics on But we know how busy you all are, so we've done the curating for you." Lol - "we know how busy you are."
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