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Sunday, 6 May 2012

Summer Jobs For Everyone


Times are tough - we all know it. People are being asked to work for less money, and for shorter hours, just so they can remain employed. And they are the people WITH jobs. There are thousands who have become the new unemployed, and together with these under-employed, the competition for work is unbelievably strong.
So how does this impact students looking for summer jobs? Won't the same jobs still be available? It's a sad fact that the answer is a loud "No". And there are several reasons for this:
1. People can't afford vacations
When families are watching their budgets - and just about all of them are these days - the first thing that they will downscale is their vacation. Statistics prove that the travel industry is in crisis, hotels and resorts are empty, and airlines are cancelling flights across the board.
This means that resorts, hotels, restaurants, stores, bars and nightclubs won't need as many staff.
2. Fewer kids at camp
For the same reason there are more families who can't afford to send their children to camp. Fewer camp counsellors and sports coaches will be needed.
3. People are holding on to their cash
They aren't out spending on clothes, eating out, sports events - all of these things impact the available summer jobs for students.
So thinking outside the square seems to be a good thing to do right now. If you haven't confirmed a summer job yet, chances are you won't. The good news is that there is an economy that isn't being affected by the global financial crisis, and it's one that just about everyone can still afford - the internet.
In fact more and more people are finding ways to save money by searching for deals on the internet. And internet marketers are the ones who are reaping the rewards. But what's this got to do with getting summer work?
The owners of websites need traffic in order to make sales. To get traffic they need to rank highly with search engines. They way they get traffic is by providing original and valuable content on their sites. Now remember, most of these people are marketers - entrepreneurs who know about making money. They know that outsourcing their writing is good value. They pay others to write their content, while they are doing what they do best - creating products and writing sales pitches.
They need writers (amateurs - they won't pay for journalists!) to write about everyday things. Just think about it - there are websites devoted to skateboarding, fishing, surfing, fashion, beauty, football - just about every interest or hobby there is. If you know anything about these topics, or are prepared to research them, then you have summer work - and a part time job for as long as you want.
There are websites that provide the service of bringing clients together with freelancers (that's you!). Sure they take a small commission, but the service that the top ones provide is worth it. If you are serious about earning money from a summer job, you owe it to yourself to think outside the regular jobs, and look at writing for the internet instead.
Get in now by doing some smaller jobs, and build up some regular clients - before everyone else hears about it!
Do not wait another day to learn more about how you can earn money by writing for the internet. If you have a computer and internet connection, your setup cost is zero. I have compiled all the information and links you need in Overnight Writing Income.

For International Jobs YOU Can Post Your CV Online For Free HERE: CLICK HERE

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