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Thursday, 3 May 2012

Weekly Job Search Tip: Look Farther Than Monster


This week's job tip is about broadening your searching to be more than just looking at each day. It's surprising, but for many people they rely on (or to find their next job for them. Unfortunately, in today's job market that's just not enough. If you want to find all of the opportunities available, you're going to have to dig deeper and work a little harder. At some point, it seems like almost all jobs end up in the internet (somewhere). The issue is where to look to find them.
The big search engines (like and are excellent resources that offer tons of information - almost all of it for free. However, many jobs don't end up there. Why? Well, for starters, employers must pay to place positions on these sites. If they have 50 openings, it may not be cost effective to put all 50 on Rather they may pay to post just a few of the critical or high-profile positions on a big search engine. The remaining positions they might post at a regional/local or less expensive search engine. This is even more true for a smaller company without the resources to post and pay for all their openings. All the jobs would be available (of course) on the companies own website since that is free.
Another issue is that there's not risk or cost for an applicant to apply for open positions. They may or may not have the required experience or credentials for the work. Many employers experience a literal flood of resumes that are nearly impossible to sort through to find the truly qualified applicants. This also discourages employers for posting on big search engines. Again, this may be even more true for smaller employers (where most of the jobs are found).
Try this sometime. Pick a big and small employer in your area and find their Career web pages. Note the number of jobs and then try and find all these jobs on or When we tried it we found that only a percentage were posted. If we were looking for that particular opening, we would have been out of luck.
So remember - is a great site with lots of jobs and information, but be sure to look beyond it and branch out into other areas to find your next job. Try other search engines, look in your newspaper, and go to the employer's own web site to find all the jobs. Good luck!
Kurt Allan publishes the Fresh Jobs  HQ - the best  for your Minnesota job search.

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