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Monday, 9 April 2012

How To Get Google Adsense Approval Thru Hubpages


The Questions

1. Hi everyone,Im new to hub pages and have written so and so hubs.I have a hub score of so and so.Please check the hubs written by me and tell whether I'm eligible for adsense.Google refused me for "unacceptable site content."
Please suggest a way for me to get approved for Adsense. Here is the link to my Hubs:

I myself had gone through this question several times since i joined hubpages.But I learned some worthful lesson over the run.The concept lies not in getting the approval its all about driving in the traffic.When I joined i was probing in just to earn an income out of some source, but now i am writing for the love of cyber writing.Now let me quote some of the opinions from the elite hubbers:
(It would be a good waste of time if you continue reading this without joinin Hubpages.You can join through my reference by clicking here, so that i can help you and give some inspirations whenever/wherever necessary(its free ok!))
"I had my Adsense approved here at hubpages, but was also advised to add blogger which I did. Went through the steps, and was granted after a few weeks. I had 3 hubs, and no other sites at that point. I did have good traffic to my hubs even though they were few. I remeber writing a very lengthy reason why they should give me AdSense, but I doubt this was the reason" -Helen
"I was approved thru hubpages alone and I think I only had one or two hubs at the time. Tips are--make sure all your info is correct on your hub profile--i.e. name, adress etc. you can change it all or delete it later once you've been approved. Also, having hubs rich in content may help as well. Make sure that if you apply you check your junk folder in your email in case the reply doesn't go to your inbox" -Janeta
"Why do you worry.Please go to copyscape and check your article for duplicate content.
Check this hub to use copyscape.

Google gives this when you have content similar on the net or when it is vulgar.Change your article then by rewriting it without seeing it."
"You only have six Hubs, you've only been on HubPages for two weeks and you are from India.
Google AdSense TOS clearly states that people who try to register from India or China must have an established web presence for six months before applying.
Make quality Hubs for six months and then reapply."

2. I'm wondering how many pages I should post to get my adsense approved!
I found my last try failed.So depressed!

"I signed up for adsense after posting like one or two hubs. You have more so give it a shot, you should be approved." -wesleycox
"They will likely approve you a lot sooner if you up your hub number - including the quality and content of course. Many on here have been knocked back, only to be accepted some time after they've created what google would deem as a viable 'site'.
The secret to google and adsense is to give it/them what they want." -frogdropping

"It took me about 3 or 4 days but they approved me. I didn't read their TOS, I just posted some hubs with something I knew well. Hope this helps." -SalesScoop

"Yes even furtunerep published 41 hubs for 6 months before she was approved. So long of waiting." -beautyrose

What do I do till I get approved from Adsense?

So you're on the pursuit of Adsense approval.Sure 'Adsense' is currently the most rewarding affiliate program on the Internet.But nowadays they've become strict and are not giving approval so easily unless you meet their standards. What I suggest is be open minded, don't get delirious of the for not approving you.Hey! this is a free world you have hundreds of other opportunities online.Well I'll brief you of some of the other good affiliate programs in which you will get approved instantly!
You might be thinking for making drastic growth in your traffic soon after you get Adsense approval, but trust me, the most important part of earning online is getting trafficand that's not possible in one day or a week or one or two months, it takes more time.And once you learn how to write articles that attract traffic and recycle them you won't even need to have an Adsense account to start earning, there are several other programs available online which have been successfully utilized by many of us. You can check out my article Make Money Online Without Adsense - Get Paid For Traffic Alone for one such program.Some even get the first Amazon check before their first Adsense check.You need to learn about differnt methods of promoting your hubs and building more backlinks (in the genuine way ofcourse).


You can pull in an revenue through leads ,sales or as commission by displaying their products ad in your blog or site.

1. Sign Upfor the Link Share Affiliate Program

2.Submit the necessary details.
3.They will approve your account right away and you are ready to get going.
Simply log in to and sign up as publisher.Submit your details and you are ready to go.
It is an excellent affiliation programme with lots of earning potential.I've read hubs about people who make $7500 in a single year by using Amazon. Read the hub here.Its a good start-up tutorial.
They also have a new site launched called 'endless,com'. They are also affiliation programs.
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