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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Make use of Old Laptops and Computers


Technology growing day by day and we always want to use new technology products , but what about old products which we bought by paying huge money, many people have old computers and laptops in their home  in their junkyards. there are many ways by which you can utilize your old laptops and computers.

1. Use as a Server : you can use your old computer or laptops are a server and connect it with your new one and start networking and file sharing , print servers.
2. Play Retro Games : There are lots of games are there but we all love our old retro games like Mario,dangerous Dave, sky roads etc. so you can use your old computer for playing these types of games because you cant play new games on that but old games are always good to play and enjoy your old memories.

3. Download Torrents : you can use your old computer for downloading torrent and other similar type of tasks.

4. Try Linux : Linux is the Most used OS after windows and if you interested in computers you know the power of Linux because Linux use very limited resources as compare to windows so you can try that and keep your hand on Linux commands .

5. Use as TV : you can buy a TV tuner card and enjoy Television on your old computers and laptops.

There are some other uses of old laptops like you can use it as a digital photo frame and you can use your Xbox with your old laptop screen but that need some technical help.if you don't want to use it then you can make money by selling on eBay, you know old technology products sold on big prices but they should be very old.

These are the best ways to use old laptops and computers if you like reading my article then subscribe or leave comments if you know any other ways of using.

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