1. Offer free subscriptions to
your magazine.
It is important that you consider that today, Many sites publish
electronic magazines (e-zines or newsletters) and people do not leave their
data as easily, so it's important to give something extra with the free
subscription. Software can offer a special report, a mini course or insiders to
encourage people to be discharged on your site.
2. Offers quality content to your
3. Create a free online directory
and invites people to visit.
Encourage your visitors to put it in your
favorites. The directory could be full of interest eBooks, e-zines, web sites,
etc... Relevant to your niche. If the people who visit your site are that your
directory is an excellent aid or interesting tool, return again and again.
4. Give your visitors an
electronic book (e-book).
One idea is to add your listing and allowing, and
even encouraging, that others can give. If you do not want to do your own eBook,
you can ask someone else permission to use their articles author.
5. Offer free classes or seminars
May occur through a room "chat" on your site. The idea of
"live information" ultimately going to motivate people to visit
your site and you often positioned as an expert on the subject.
6. Free contests. Prizes must be
of interest or value to visitors.
The vast majority of people who enter these
contests, constantly returning to these sites to find out the results.
7. Let your visitors download
software for free,
Can be freeware, shareware, demos, etc... Even part of your
site could become a directory of free applications and if you are the author of
any of these applications, including your advertising and allow other people
can re-distribute.
8. Announces free services or
utilities on your website.
They can be searched from your site, corrections,
translations, etc... This service or program should be useful to your target
9. Give free consulting to those
who wear your content.
You can offer it via email or telephone. People consider
these valuable services as a consulting billing can be very expensive
10. Give your visitors
memberships to your club or online forum.
People feel the need to belong to
something, and why not a club online? You can even offer a special edition of
your e-zine only those who are members.
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