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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Tips On Video Game: Borderlands 2


If you have played the previous version of Borderland, you would agree that this game has a lot of attractive features. The hostile creatures, the powerful skill trees, the diverse missions and the abundant loot, the freshness of all these features is still extremely appealing and grows on you instantly. But has Borderland 2 lived up to the standard of its predecessor or does it fail to surprise us? Lets find out.

Features OF The Game

The most notable difference between this version and the previous one is the vibrancy of Pandora. This version has a lot more entertaining characters that make Pandora seem realistic. A lot of the old characters are retained in this version such as Scooter, Moxxi and Claptrap. The playable characters from the first edition are also present in this version and they have more lines. The game has some new character editions as well such as Teenage Demolitionist, Tiny Tina, Arrogant Antagonist and Handsome Jack. The addition of all these characters and the excellent voice acting quality make this version very appealing.

The visuals of this edition are much better compared to the previous one. The aesthetic appeal and the color palate used is eye-catching. The humor of the writing extends to the visuals as well so you will have fun throughout the game.

The mission feature has been slightly changed from the previous edition. You now have the choice to check the progress of your mission during the game using the onscreen checklist. You will be able to see the progress even if your current actions don't facilitate your current mission.

This new version also has an expanded range of challenges along with the missions. If you complete all these challenges successfully you get rewards like burning kills. As you complete each of the challenges with success, your rank in the game keeps increasing as well. Your rank also has certain benefits attached to it. If you have a higher rank then you get benefits with reference to fire rate, gun damage and shield recharge delay.

The major portion of the game is the loot and this version has some exciting features for it. Grenade mods, shields, guns, all give you the chance to intensify your combat. In this version, you have the option to mark the items as junk in your inventory list. This makes your selling process less time-consuming. The rest of the core combat skills remain pretty much the same as in the previous version.


Even though this version has more characters, challenges and a better aesthetic appeal, it is in a lot of ways just like Borderland. So this edition doesn't reach far beyond the first version.

On the whole this version betters the experience of playing the game. The content and the characters make the game a lot more appealing and interactive. So you can spend a lot of your free time playing it.  


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