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Friday, 12 October 2012

Top 5 SEO plugins for your WordPress


WordPress today have become one of the most powerful blog publishing and content management tool which have been used by millions of people around the globe. The owners of the website and the bloggers can download this application and its plugins for free. When we speak about search engine optimization (SEO), the term might sound difficult but with the help of right WordPress plugins you could make things much easier. With the help of plugins you will be able to optimize your website which is very essential to gain higher ranks in search engines. If your website is search engine friendly then there would be high chances of search engines recommending your website to many internet users across the globe.
WordPress came into existence as blog engine but with the help of many programmers, users are now able to make their website look for professional or exciting by adding more stimulating features and designs in few mouse clicks. Due to such reason WordPress have gained more importance amongst the millions of web designers and several organizations across the globe.
WordPress have many unique features which have made this application user friendly. There are many WordPress plugins which helps the user in modifying and customizing their website.  For people who are new to website designing or unfamiliar with codes like html and php, these plugins have made coding’s easier. Let’s have a look at some of the 5 important plugins which are free as well as one of the most recommended downloads for your website or blog:


                 This is one of the most recommended plugin since it helps to control and avoid spam postings on your blog. There are many spammers who would post their comments along with the link which would redirect the users to their website. This plugin is very much time saving and also most essential for blogs and websites.

             All in One SEO Pack: 

                                   This is one of the most widely used plugin by SEO specialists. The main function of this website is to convert your posts and pages more friendly for the search engines which would help you gain high ranks amongst search results which are suitable to your content displayed. In order toattract more traffic to your blog or website this plugin can be of very much help.

            XML Sitemaps: 

                                    This plugin helps to auto generate XML codes for your webpage and also notifies about the necessary updates performed on your website to the search engines. The sole purpose of this plugin is to make your blog more user friendly to the search engines which help you gain more traffic to your website when people search for contents in the major search engines.

           SEO Smart Links: 

                                      There are many SEO specialists who make more and more use of backlinks these days. The specialty of this plugin is that you could interlink articles i.e. link one article to another one. This is more helpful to the bloggers who require the readers to find articles related to same topics as this plugin links the keywords spontaneously.


                               This plugin allows you to keep a check on errors like 404 errors and also help you in managing transferals. This is one of the most essential plugin especially when you are in the process to migrate information from your old website to new one.

            Author Bio: 

Matthew Anton is a professional online marketer offering search engine optimization services through  BackLinksVault

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