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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Add Flipboard Like Navigation to a Web Browser


Flipboard is one of the most popular iPad applications in the Apple App Store. However, the app serves a very basic purpose. It simply aggregates incoming feeds and news sources and presents them to you in a nicely designed wrapper, while letting you customize the content and sources for your particular Flipboard. In today’s post, we will review how to get Flipboard like navigation directly from your computer’s web browser.
Flipboard iPad App
To get started, you will need either the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browser. For this tutorial, we will be using the Firefox browser, although the process is very much the same for Chrome as well, as this Flipboard like functionality is accomplished via a plugin.
Launch your web browser of choice and navigate to the according plugins website using one of the following links:
Once there, perform a plugin search using the term “feedly.” The search results should return the add-on Feedly.
Proceed to install the Feedly plugin as you would any other plugin for either browser. You may be prompted to restart your browser.
Install Feedly for Mozilla
Upon successful plugin installation, you will be prompted with the Feedly homepage. Click the + sign to begin customizing your page.
Create a Feedly
From here, you will be presented with your Feedly homepage, in which you may instantly recognize the likeliness to Flipboard.
Feedly Homepage
Alternatively, you can search for any website you’d like to add to your Feedly, using the search function.
Feedly Online Tech Tips Search
Click to select the website from the search results and it should be instantly added to your Feedly. Here, we’ve added Online-Tech-Tips.
Online-Tech-Tips Feedly Added
Whatever sites you decide to add, will be rendered in a similar, Flipboard like UI. However, you might also want to add a bit more customization to Feedly, particularly if you are considering using it as your browser’s start page/homepage.
Clicking the Create Account button in the upper, right side of the screen allows you Sign In to Feedly using your Google Account.
Sign in Feedly Google
While signed in, you will have the additional options of setting up custom content, changing themes and setting up user preferences.
Feedly Manage Preferences
Feedly Change Themes
Feedly Organize Content
Creating an account with Feedly will as mentioned above allow you to customize more aspects, but it will also allow you to save any preferences if this is an app that you enjoy and would like to use.
That’s basically all there is to it. Most of the user reviews for this app back it as being a great web browser addition. Looking for a new homepage that isn’t filled with useless news that you don’t care for? Today’s tutorial helps you to create your own customized homepage that will not only let you customize the content, but also present the content to you in a nicely designed UI.
Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post. If any of our site visitors have any other recommended plugins similar to Feedly, feel free to leave a comment.
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